A Sour Kraut

"It is worse still to be ignorant of your ignorance." ~Saint Jerome

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Location: Bozeman, MT, United States

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Christian Education

The ever-rising topic of Christian education: This site has an interesting article that was published in World Magazine. (Click on the title.)

Here was part of a comment I liked that was written on a blog that had posted this article:

"Putting a fish on something does not make it Christian, just fishy.The modern evangelical paradigm embraces a theology that says that Christian children do not exist, only potential Christian children. We can't really know that they are Christians until they 'ask Jesus into their heart'. Raising them in a virtual guessing game mentality where parents have zero confidence in God's promises replicates the same. Why should they believe God, their parents do not."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read "Righting Every Wrong", the latest on George Grant's blog.

He does a great job describing the difference between a knee-jerk reaction to society's ills and real, long-term progress of the gospel and strengthening of the church. The right kind of Christian education is central to this.

7/11/05, 1:42 PM  

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