A Sour Kraut

"It is worse still to be ignorant of your ignorance." ~Saint Jerome

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Location: Bozeman, MT, United States

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Worldview Quote:

In support of the true sovereignty of God, it is often said in Reformed churches that there is not a single atom in the universe that God does not have control over, or as Pastor Bryan Clark likes to put it: there is not a single "renegade atom" anywhere in the universe. But here is a quote I like that takes it the next step further:

"There is 'not one atom of the universe' in which His divinity does not shine forth."
- Herman Bavinck (19th Century Theologian)

Not only is every atom under His rule, but every atom declares something about His being!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We see, indeed, the world with our eyes, we tread the earth with our feet, we touch innumerable kinds of God’s works with our hands, we inhale a sweet and pleasant fragrance from herbs and flowers, we enjoy boundless benefits; but in those very things of which we attain some knowledge, there dwells such an immensity of divine power, goodness, and wisdom, as absorbs all our senses.

John Calvin, in the Argument to his commentary on Genesis.

2/24/06, 8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the quote above, and for some reason, I think of the scene in the movie Gladiator, when Maximus is in the field before battle, letting his hand pass through the tall grasses, grasses which glow in the sun. We touch God's works with our hands.

2/24/06, 8:31 AM  
Blogger Master Aegidius said...

Everything declares an aspect of God's glory. Our task is to recognize it.

We have talked about this before, but THIS is why I love to hunt muledeer in the high country.

2/24/06, 9:25 PM  

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